#CFCOPC PLAYERS TO WATCH: Team Halton-Peel Grade 8 SB Keary excited to be back

The countdown begins to CanadaFootballChat.com Ontario Prospect Challenge (OPC) on the April 29th weekend at Tim Horton’s Field in Hamilton. In the days leading up to the OPC, CFC will preview the teams and the players participating in the big event.

Liam Keary is already a veteran at the Ontario Prospect Challenge, but the young gun is ready to showcase his talents alongside the finest amateur football players Ontario has to offer.

β€œI chose to play for the OPC so I could be a part of the best team with the best players,” Keary, who stands at 5’7, 123 pounds said. β€œIt’s also a great warm up for the summer season that will start in April.”

Keary was excited to have been recruited to the OPC by one of his old coaches. He is also relishing in the fact that he has the opportunity to play with some great players he hasn’t played with since last year’s OPC.

Liam Keary (#21) runs with the ball. Courteys of Liam Keary.

Liam Keary (#21) runs with the ball. Courteys of Liam Keary.

The young football player started out his career with the Burlington house league. He has since been playing with the Burlington Stampeders (Burlington Minor Football Association) as a slot back.

β€œBeing a slot back gives me the opportunity to catch the ball as well as run with it,” Keary said.

When thinking about his football inspirations, Keary said that he has quite a few. New York Giant’s Odell Beckham Jr., former Baltimore Raven Ray Lewis and Miami Dolphins’ Jarvis Landry are on that list.

When Keary enters this year’s OPC, he will have a chance to play on Tim Hortons Field in Hamilton, Ontario. β€œI think it’s sick to be able to play on a professional field where I have watched professionals play myself,” he said.

While the stands are sure to be packed, Keary is ready for the pressure. The tactic to handling it is simple. β€œStay focused and play the game I love,” he said.

Liam Keary (#21) tackles another player. Courtesy of Liam Keary.

Liam Keary (#21) tackles another player. Courtesy of Liam Keary.

Keary is set to graduate in 2020. β€œMy goal is to play college ball for a division one team and go all the way to the NFL,” he said.

β€œI’m in grade 8, so far I’m just thinking about high school,” he added if there are any schools that have caught his attention so far.

The young slot back is focused on winning at this year’s OPC and having fun while doing it. He said his personal goal is to play his absolute best, run for 150 yards and to win the game. And the team’s goal?

β€œPut as many points on the scoreboard and have fun,” Keary said.

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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