Why there is a growing interest in Canadian Football

When the word football is mentioned, most people will go straight to one of two options, depending on where they’re from. Americans will most likely think of their beloved national sport known as American football. On the other hand, Europeans will think of what a few countries may call soccer. Either way, not many people know about Canadian football.


However, this has started to change in recent years. Many of the best sportsbooks in Canada have started branching out to different countries. Those countries have also started to pay more attention to Canadian football. Which one caused the other isn’t really clear. However, it’s great news for fans of the sport.


But why exactly is there a growing interest in Canadian football? Let’s find out!


It’s unique

Apart from being a completely different sport from soccer, there are also some unique ways in which Canadian football is different from American football.


Some of the most obvious ones include a larger field and more players. There are also some more subtle ones like fewer timeouts and less time to start play.


In any case, it’s these subtle discrepancies that make Canadian football a breath of fresh air. The fact that some things work differently is sure to make the viewers pay more attention and perhaps even enjoy the match more. Of course, this comes after learning exactly how they are different.


More passion

When it comes to other leagues, such as the NFL, there are always cases when the players simply play because of the salary. However, whether it’s because of the lower salary or simply a different kind of love for the game, you’ll see more passion on the faces of CFL players.


It’s evident that these players simply love the game. They love playing it and they love that they get the chance to do so for a living. It makes the experience of watching Canadian football a lot better and more exciting.


Clearly, these guys are here for a reason. They love the game for a reason. And their passion only serves to spread the fondness for the game!


It’s less stressful

When it comes to the CFL, everything is on a smaller scale when you compare it to the NFL. The NFL puts a lot of emphasis on performance and perfection. Competition between teams is big. The stakes are high. There are lots of fans cheering in the stadium


The CFL, on the other hand, is more human in comparison. Although this might change with time, there are fewer fans. There’s also less pressure on the players to play perfectly. This is great for the casual spectator who simply enjoys the game.

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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