BLOG: Why athletes should be lean

I will share with you a strength-training program designed to help you lean up. This not your ordinary “go to the weight room, do a few sets, talk to your friends and hit the shower” program.   This workout is not only physically challenging, but will challenge you mentally, as well.  In this article I will address the necessity of being LEAN.

SST athletes never, I repeat, never, jog for conditioning.  I will soon share with you a proven method for leaning up while conditioning your energy system.

I will also talk about the importance of nutrition and share with you what kinds of protein supplements to take, including the brands of protein we recommend.  I’ll discuss the timing of taking carbs and, what fats to consume, so that you can find that 6-pack of yours.

As a football player, it is vitally important that you get as lean as possible while building muscle mass.  By increasing muscle mass you increase your calorie consumption, which will enable you to burn off some of that extra fat, you’re carrying around.  You want your body to become a calorie-burning furnace that melts away body fat.  SST athletes who follow the strength training, energy system training, and nutrition program routinely drop their body fat percentage while increasing their lean body mass.

Why is it so important to be lean?

  1. Can you pass the eye test – First impressions mean a lot.  At the NFL and CFL Combines, every player has his picture taken with just shorts on.  There is a reason for this – Coaches want players who are lean and muscular… not ones with rolls!
  2. For every extra 5 lbs of body fat you carry, your running speed decreases by 6%. This is a dramatic difference in one’s 40 time.  This could make the difference as to whether or not you receive a scholarship.
  3. By decreasing body fat you automatically become more athletic.  As a player, you need to be able to change direction quickly as well as run straight ahead. Agility and lateral quickness will be enhanced when you’re lean.
  4. Try this experiment.  Grab a 25 lb plate and run around the track for 5 minutes.  How do you feel?  Now, put the weight down and do the same thing without it.  Analyze the difference between carrying the extra 25 lbs and when you run without it.  How’s your level of conditioning in each instance?

Hopefully, this message provides players with some insight into the importance of being lean.

For more info regarding SST, and the Fitness Programs we offer, please visit our website at

Larry Jusdanis



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