Canadian football for outsiders

When people say football, there are different images in everyone’s heads, depending on the country they live in and the language or dialect they speak.

For example, in the UK, just like in all European countries, football refers to the most popular sport in the world, the classic 11 vs 11 that doesn’t really need too much introduction.

In the US, on the other hand, the same sport is known as soccer, while football refers to a sport similar to rugby, where the ball is oval-shaped and the use of hands is allowed for all players. Many times, foreigners coming from Europe are confused by the terms and refer to soccer as football. That’s why, a popular and more precise term is American football.

Similar to the US is the situation in Canada when it comes to the term “football”. While foreigners may refer to European football when speaking about the sport, native Canadians and native Canadian speakers know that football is, actually, Canadian football, a sport similar to American football.

So what is Canadian football?

Canadian football can be defined as a team-sport, specific to Canada, in which two teams, each of them composed of 12 players must place the oval-shaped ball beyond the line of their opponent’s end zone, which is the scoring area. The team that, at the end of the match, scores the most wins. The action takes place in a field which must be 110 yards long and 65 yards wide.

Basically, Canadian football is very similar to American football or rugby.

The sport originated in Canada in the early 1860s, but it was recognized as an official sport at around 1880, when the first associations appeared. At the moment, the only professional league for Canadian football is the Canadian Football League (CFL).

Canadian football vs American football

Since the difference between Canadian football and rugby are pretty obvious, some mentions need to be made about the difference between Canadian and American football.

First of all, there is a different number of players. While Canadian football uses teams comprised of 12 players, there are only 11 players in American football.

Also, the field is larger in Canadian football. Basically, the field is 110 by 65 yards, while American football is played on 100 by 53 1⁄3 yards.

Also, Canadian football has a limit of three downs, while American football allows up to four downs.

These are some of the essential difference between the two sports.

Betting on Canadian football

Canadian football is one of the best sports to bet on, especially for those who watch it closely.

The good news is that this is not limited to Canada. Instead, people from all over the world can bet on Canadian football and experience some great odds and wins, as long as they monitor the games. Bettors can try this sport with simple bets at first and can extend their options as they learn more about Canadian football.

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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