Canadian Football is the Greatest of All times  

Other than saying “I am sorry” each time they feel like they have offended someone, did you know Canadians are not only polite but talented people? In the infield, when playing Canadian football, they portray a different picture of ruthlessness to competitors. Canadian football is a game played on 110 yards by 59 yards field by two teams- a dozen players on each side. Unfortunately, the games are played on specific days; visit Wheelz Casino for virtual games when Canadian football teams are off!  

Canadian football vs. American football 

In North America, Canada, and the USA are economic and cultural powerhouses of the region. Though they are close allies, their cultural influences using football is reaching far and beyond. Canadian football descended from rugby and was played by the British Military personnel in the early days, same as America. Despite sharing a common origin, Canadian football is unique in its own way!  

How Canadian Football is Greater to American Football  

Truth is said, when it comes to gaming, there is nothing like allies! Here players form a “prey-predator” relationship, but they don’t literary eat each other; instead, they are always fighting for top positions! And it seems Canadians are good at it!  

Canadian football bore American football.  

This is a fact most people don’t know since it is seldom mentioned on many websites. In the 1800s, when British soldiers were colonizing, the region especially in Prairie Provinces, they played rugby but in a military way. The game was rougher than rugby, so players needed more protection other than being versatile. Thus this resulted in the formation of a new game we know today as Canadian Football.  

Still, during those early days, when British soldiers were hopping in and out of Canadian garrisons to Americans, they went with an extra bonus- Canadian football. Though American football powers Canadian football by many fans, we can clearly see that Canadian Football sired it!  

Canadian football is played on a big pitch with many players. 

Canadian football is played on a 110 by 65-yard pitch. This is bigger than American’s side by 10yards and 11 and two-thirds lengthwise and widthwise respectively. The American football pitch currently measures 100yards by 53 and third yards. Also, the goals of Canadian football are placed in front of the zone. Using the size of the pitch to measure a game’s superiority might be conflicting! On my side, I believe in this phrase, “big things for grater people,” so Canadians take the gold medal in football! What about you?  

When playing Canadian football, each team’s lineup consists of 12 players. So the Canadian football closely related to rugby 15’s in terms of the number of players. On the flip side, American football is played by 22 players, 11 players per team. Also, here the criteria of measuring a game’s supremacy might be personal, but I am still in favor of Canadian football.  

Canadian football is an entertainment portion both players and fans love to be associated with! Though the game spread rapidly to the USA, where it has more fans than in Canada, we can’t dispute the fact that Canada football bore it!  

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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