Disgraced former Warrior sentenced

In a Kitchener, Ontario Superior courtroom, former Waterloo Warriors player Nathan Zettler was sentenced to six months in jail as well as slapped with a $3,500 fine for his main role in the steroids scandal that plagued the school during the 2010 season.

When police searched Zettlerā€™s premises back in March 2010, they found a stash of performance enhancing drugs in the bedroom.Ā  This search and discovery took place after Zettler and two other former Warrior teammates ā€“ Eric Legare and Matthew Valeriote were caught for a series of break-ins.

Trafficking of steroids normally carries a three year prison term while life sentences could be handed for break-ins.Ā  However, Judge Patrick Flynn sentenced Zettler this past Friday to six months for the break-ins and two months, to be served alongside break-in sentence, for the drug offences. Flynn also considered the time Zettler served in custody ā€“ one month before the trial as well as the three years he lived adhered to the strict bail conditions.

In a sentencing hearing last week, Zettlerā€™s defence attorney Steve Gehl was seeking for a 90 day jail sentence to be served on weekends as well as additional time to be served under house arrest. The prosecution were hoping that Zettler would be sentenced to 15-21 months in custody, including a sentence of nine months for the steroid charges.

Previous to this sentencing, Zettler entered a guilty plea for five break-ins, including one at a Canadian Tire. One of those break-ins was at the residence of Nathan McCann in Kitchener, where Zettler, Legare and Valeriote stole two boxes of steroids and drugs. Zettler also admitted guilt for possessing six types of steroids for trafficking reasons, selling two of those types that are under the Food and Drug Act as well as two counts of trafficking. When he pleaded guilty, he was on probation due to criminal harrasment offences.

As for Legare and Valeriote, they both entered guilty pleas back in 2010.Ā  Consequently, neither faced any jail time.

The search of Zettlerā€™s home came after police interviewed Warriors players.Ā  Once the steroids scandal escalated at the school, nine Warriors players tested positive or admitted to using the drugs.Ā  Among the players were Spencer Zimmerman-Cryer and Matthew Peto, who paid $180.00 for the drags.Ā  Both players only used for a few days.


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